Storia della lingua latina mod. 1 (-)
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Corso di studi:
AA 2019/2020
ADAMS, J.N., Social variation and the Latin language, Cambridge 2013, 3-27
ADAMS, J.N., Social variation and the Latin language, Cambridge 2013, 747-773.
Alho, Tommi and Leppänen, Ville, Roman brick stamps: evidence for the development of Latin case syntax, «Glotta» 92, 2016, pp. 3-15
BALDI, P. CUZZOLIN, P., New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax III. Constituent Syntax: Quantification, Numerals, Possession, Anaphora, Berlin 2010
Barrios-Lech, Peter, Noli + Infinitive in Roman Comedy, «Glotta» 92, 2016, pp. 18-23
Berdowski, Piotr, In Search of the Lexical Meaning of the Latin Terms Cetarius and Cetaria, «Glotta» 89, 2013, pp. 47-61.
BERTOCCHI, A., Simple si conditionals and restrictive si modo conditionals, in C. MOUSSY, J. DANGEL (éds.), De lingua Latina novae quaestiones, Louvain-Paris-Sterling 2001, 227-244.
BODELOT, C., Étude synchronique des propositions subordonnées circonstancielles en si dans la Correspondance de Cicéron.
BORTOLUSSI, B., Copular clause classification in Latin, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2018, 17, pp. 121-146
BORTOLUSSI, F., L'infinitif substantivé, in M. FRUYT, C. NICOLAS (éd.), La création lexicale en latin: Actes de la table ronde du 9. colloque international de linguistique Latine, Madrid, 16 avril 1997, Paris 2000, 61-72.
Burghini, Julia, Javier Uría, Some Neglected Evidence on Vulgar Latin 'Glide Suppression': Consentius, 27.17-20 N., «Glotta» 91, 2015, pp. 15-26
CALBOLI, G., Direct and indirect style and connected rules, in P. POCCETTI (ed.), Oratio obliqua: strategies of reported speech in ancient languages, Pisa-Roma 2017, pp. 11-39
Clary, Todd, The Unaccusative Hypothesis and Case Selection of Cognate Complements in Latin, «Glotta» 90, 2014, pp. 87-104
CUZZOLIN, P., Reciprocals in Latin. A reappraisal, in G.V.M. HAVERLING (ed.), Latin Linguistics in the Early 21st Century, Acts of the 16th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistic, Uppsala, June 6th11th, 2011, «Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Latina Upsaliensia» XXXV, Uppsala 2015, 221-239.
CUZZOLIN, P., Some remarks on the infinitivus indignantis. Is this label necessary?, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2018, 17, pp. 177-189
DE LAMBERTERIE, C., Permities et pernicies, in C. MOUSSY, J. DANGEL (éds.), De lingua Latina novae quaestiones, Louvain-Paris-Sterling 2001, 107-121.
DE MELO, W.D.C., The Early Latin Verb System: Archaic Forms in Plautus, Terence, and Beyond, Oxford 2007
FRY, C., Utinam: la logique de la probabilité dans le temps, in C. MOUSSY, J. DANGEL (éds.), De lingua Latina novae quaestiones, Louvain-Paris-Sterling 2001, 327-338.
GALDI, G. On the use of facio as support verb in late and Merovingian Latin, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2018, 17, pp. 231-257
GRASSI, C., Problemi di sintassi latina. Consecutio temporum e aspetto nel verbo latino, Firenze 1966, 219-231
GRASSI, C., Problemi di sintassi latina. Consecutio temporum e aspetto nel verbo latino, Firenze 1966, 232-250
Hilton, John, The Role of Discourse and Lexical Meaning in the Grammaticalisation of Temporal Particles in Latin, «Glotta» 74, 1997, pp. 198-210
Holmes, Nigel, Perinde and Proinde, «Glotta» 74, 1997, pp. 59-75
HUG, A., Die consecutio temporum des Praesens historicum im Lateinischen, «Rheinisches Museum» XL, 1885, pp. 397-414
Kümmel, Martin Joachim, Zur Verwendung Des Perfektfuturs Im Altlatein, «Glotta» 89, 2013, pp. 130-145
LIBERATI, I., Per la storia del termine obliquo nella sua accezione metalinguistica: tra tradizione grammaticale antica e uso moderno, in P. POCCETTI (ed.), Oratio obliqua: strategies of reported speech in ancient languages, Pisa-Roma 2017, pp. 153-168.
LURAGHI, S., The Discourse Function uf cum with the Subjunctive in Narrative Texts, in De lingua Latina novae quaestiones, 2001.
Mariani, Manuela, La régence verbale entre sémantique et aspect: quelques incohérences entre latin archaique et latin classique, «Glotta» 91, 2015, pp. 171-183
MAROTTA, G., On Cicero’s fine-grained perception of the prosodic features in Latin . Journal of Latin Linguistics 2018, 17(2), pp. 259-278
Mikulová, Jana, ‘Haberi’ Passive Perfect Participle, «Glotta» 92, 2016, pp. 152-174
MOCCIARO, E., BRUCALE, L., Starting from the Origin: the Early Latin preposition de (and its companions), in G.V.M. HAVERLING (ed.), Latin Linguistics in the Early 21st Century, Acts of the 16th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistic, Uppsala, June 6th-11th, 2011, «Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Latina Upsaliensia» XXXV, Uppsala 2015, 445-455.
Nachtergaele, Delphine, The Code Alternation in the Claudius Tiberianus Archive, «Glotta» 91, 2015, pp. 208-225
NAPOLI, M., Ditransitive verbs in Latin: A typological approach, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2018, 17, pp. 51-91
PASOLI, E., Saggi di grammatica latina, Bologna 1961, 91-124.
PASOLI, E., Sulla sintassi ciceroniana del periodo ipotetico, «Ciceroniana» II, 1960, 156-160.
PROBERT, P., Latin Grammarians on the Latin Accent, Oxford 2019.
Pultrová, L., Periphrastic comparison in Latin, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2018, 17, pp. 93-110
ROSELLINI, M., Tra linguistica e grammatica antica: che fine ha fatto il futuro del congiuntivo?, «A&R» 2006, 23-27.
SPEVAK, O., La dislocation à droite en latin, «Glotta» 89, 2013, pp. 195-221
SUÁREZ MARTÍNEZ, P. M., Quelques problèmes concernant la «consecutio temporum» en latin, «LEC» 69, 2001, 251-268.
SUÄREZ-MARTINEZ, P. M., Le medius sonus latin, «Glotta» 92, 2016, 227-236.
URÍA, J., Septimus casus: the history of a misunderstanding from Varro to the late Latin grammarians, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2017, 16, pp. 239-266
VINCENT, N., BENTLEY, D., The demise of the Latin future periphrasis in -urus + esse, in C. MOUSSY, J. DANGEL, De lingua Latina novae quaestiones, Louvain-Paris-Sterling 2001, 143-155.
WALVOORT, H., Declension of the Latin present participle in connection with its syntactico-semantic use, «Journal of Latin Linguistics» 2018, 17, pp. 1-22
WOLANIN, H., The Origin of the Opposition πτῶσις оρθή (ϵυθϵία)-πτώσϵις πλάγιαι (Casus Rectus-Casus Obliqui) in the Linguistics of Ancient Greece, «SL» CXXVI (2009) 149-166